www.gusucode.com > 基于Visual C++高级界面特效制作百例源码程序 > 基于Visual C++高级界面特效制作百例源码程序/code/char11/autorepeat_button/seekButton.cpp

// CSeekButton implementation
// Copyright 1998 Langis Pitre
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SeekButton.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

CSeekButton::CSeekButton(int InitialValue, int Direction, int Increment, int min, int max ) 
: CButton()
	mhWnd = NULL;
	SetParameters( mhWnd, InitialValue, Direction, Increment, min, max );

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CSeekButton, CButton )
	//{{AFX_MSG_MAP( CSeekButton )

// Name   : SetParameters
// Descr. : 
// Return : void
// Arg    : HWND hWnd        : 
// Arg    : int InitialValue : 
// Arg    : int Direction    : 
// Arg    : int Increment    : 
// Arg    : int min          : 
// Arg    : int max          : 
void CSeekButton::SetParameters(HWND hWnd,
								int InitialValue, 
								int Direction, 
								int Increment,
								int min,
								int max )
	mhWnd         = hWnd;
	mCurrentValue = InitialValue;
	mDirection    = Direction;
	mIncrement    = Increment;
	mMin          = min;
	mMax          = max;

// Descr. : Called when the user presses either the IDC_RWND or the IDC_FRWD button.
//          It initiates a seek loop ( forward or backward ) that lasts as long as the button
//          is pressed. The loop is terminated when a WM_LBUTTONUP message is received.
void CSeekButton::OnLButtonDown( UINT nFlags, CPoint point ) 
	CButton::OnLButtonDown( nFlags, point );
	int   nbiter = 0;
	MSG   mess;
	int   id  = GetDlgCtrlID( );

	HWND hWnd = GetSafeHwnd();

	if( mhWnd == NULL )
		mhWnd = GetParent()->GetSafeHwnd();

	while( !PeekMessage( &mess, hWnd, WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_LBUTTONUP, PM_REMOVE ) )
		if( nbiter < 10 )
			Sleep( 100 );
		else if( nbiter < 20 )
			Sleep( 75 );
		else if( nbiter < 30 )
			Sleep( 50 );
			Sleep( 25 );

		mCurrentValue += ( mDirection == FORWARD )? mIncrement : -mIncrement;
		if( mCurrentValue < mMin )
			mCurrentValue = mMax;
		if( mCurrentValue >  mMax)
			mCurrentValue = mMin;
		TRACE("Value = %d\n", mCurrentValue );

		::SendMessage( mhWnd, WM_SEEKBUTTONVALUECHANGED, id, mCurrentValue );

	SendMessage( WM_LBUTTONUP );